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It seems like opportunities to travel, volunteer or intern abroad are everywhere. It’s easy to see why when you consider the benefits of international travel experiences that are more than vacation; the opportunity to leave your home and see another part of the world can offer so much to young people and for many, it is a life changer.

The appeal of travel often lies in learning about a new place, experiencing the culture and food, or just the idea of getting away. There is no doubt that the personal benefits of travel are plenty, but there is also a world of good that travel can do for your career that is often ignored.

It’s easy to think that the professional benefits of travel experience are limited to certain degrees or career paths. While international travel experience might be necessary for some careers, it is beneficial to all.

Having international experience on your resume puts you ahead of the competition and here’s why:


You can write them on your resume or you can show them. Travel abroad shows that you take initiative, are adaptable, and aren’t afraid to leave your comfort zone.

Discover new areas of study or work

I went to Guatemala to learn Spanish; I came back with a curiosity about Voluntourism, which I then wrote my MA thesis on, and now work for an organization that sends volunteers to developing countries. You could go abroad with Students Offering Support (SOS) and come back with an entirely new career interest.

Broaden your perspective

Great ideas and the ability to think critically come from life experiences like travel.

Opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and independence

Knowing who you are and what you are capable of makes you a better asset to an organization and helps you to determine what you really want to do with your life.

Ability to communicate across cultures is huge in such a globalized world

Even if language isn’t a barrier, customs are different everywhere; showing that you know how to navigate differences successfully is exactly what organizations are looking for in their recent grads.

Language acquisition

While we’re on the topic of language, why not break down that barrier by learning a new one? No better way to learn than by immersing yourself it in.

Gives you unique examples to pull from during job interviews

Countless people can talk about the challenges they face on the job in Canada, but being able to discuss the unique challenges you faced during your trip and how you overcame them will set you apart for the rest.

Knowing how your area of interest works in another part of the world

Whether you’re interested in being a doctor or a teacher, if you have the opportunity to see how it’s done somewhere else, take it and learn from it.


When you travel, whether on a short trip like SOS Outreach trips or a longer internship, you build relationships with like-minded driven people. Having a solid network of peers is invaluable when seeking out career opportunities in the future.

Travel makes you more interesting!

It gives you more to talk about and different ways of seeing things. (Who doesn’t want to hire interesting people?)

If you haven’t thought of volunteering internationally, I urge you to consider it. It is an experience that, as outlined above, can be invaluable towards your career pursuits and, most importantly, provides the opportunity to grow and push yourself, personally.

At SOS, we offer students the opportunity to be a part of the support network we offer to our community partners in Latin America. We take pride in providing experiences that will encourage personal growth among participants, and support the process with opportunities for learning and reflection before, during, and after their trips.

Whether this post just sparked your interest, or you’ve been thinking about volunteering abroad for a while, we have 22 trips this May or August that may fit your budget and life schedule! You can check out opportunities here.

Camaro West is the Director of International Outreach with Students Offering Support.  If you would like more information about international travel, volunteering, or other opportunities, feel free to send her an email at