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Company: Research in Motion

Position: business development analyst

Employed: one year

Where did you go to school? What program did you attend?
I attended Wilfred Laurier University and graduated from their Bachelor in Business Administration program.

What drew you to your current field?
I knew I wanted to work more or less in business, I just didn't necessarily know what aspect. I sort of started university with the interest of becoming a CA and then quickly swung over to the marketing stream. Eventually I landed on business development. Having had the opportunity to co-op with Research in Motion (RIM) during university I knew technology was an area of interest.

How did you find your current position?
I co-oped with RIM for two terms. I had my first term with a marketing consulting firm in Toronto and then my next two terms were with RIM. I made the right impressions on my coworkers and a management senior executive. I kept in touch with the RIM people and really sought out opportunities within the tech field.

Tell us a bit about your responsibilities.
I'm a business development analyst in the emerging markets wing of business development. So I'm the BD lead for carrier opportunities in the Americas region. When I say carriers I mean network carriers like Rogers or Bell. It's my job to identify and evaluate key partners in region, engage in commercial discussions and negotiate the definitive agreement.

How do you feel your job makes a difference?
My job satisfies a strategic imperative. I'm helping the company expand its reach in the Americas and more broadly I'm helping grow the business.

What skills have you learned through your work experience?
In a company as large as RIM learning how to work within the company is extremely important. In other words, knowing how to get things done. I've also certainly picked up on lots of negotiation skills.

Is there one accomplishment you are particularly proud of?
More or less bringing a carrier to market is an event to be proud of. There are so many obstacles and challenges to undergo. It's an extremely involved sales process that multiple people from all functional areas of our company and the customer's company are engaged with. It's extremely difficult to manage and it takes quite a bit of skill. If the carrier launches it's a feat in itself.

What advice do you have for students looking to land their first job?
What a prof told me once was ÔÇÿKnow Thyself.' So have an understanding for not only what your interests are but what your skills are, what your strengths are, and where your weaknesses lie. That will more or less guide your job search. I would also encourage people to be extremely proactive and start as early as possible. Lastly, use your network. Use previous jobs that you've co-oped at, use your prof, use your friends or former coworkers. Pull your network to find out what opportunities are available. jp
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