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Job Type: 
Part Time
Employment length: 
Language requirements: 
Education requirements: 
Job experience: 
1 year to less than 2 years
Job industry: 
Job Location: 
St. Catharines
Secondary Staffing 2024-2025

Permanent Contract Teacher Posting: T-3 The DSBN is committed to equity, inclusion and

anti-racism and strives to hire educators who demonstrate this

commitment. You are invited to include in your cover letter how your

lived experience, professional learning and actions can empower all students

and create a true sense of belonging within your classroom and school community.

The following position is available for:

Qualified DSBN Secondary Occasional Teachers

External applicants who are qualified and in good standing with the Ontario College of Teachers School





Preferred and Supplemental Considerations

St. Catharines Collegiate Carla Piovesana



Senior Math

The District School Board of Niagara is committed to equity and inclusion in the recruitment and hiring of qualified staff who reflect the diversity of our region. We encourage submissions from candidates who represent the various dimensions of diversity. We will make interview and employment accommodations during the selection process, based on any of the human rights protected grounds. Please notify us in advance and we will work with you to meet your needs. Applicants are thanked for making known their interest in working for the District School Board of Niagara. We encourage applications from all qualified individuals; however, only those under consideration will be contacted.

In accordance with Section 29(2) of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1989 and under the authority of the Education Act, personal information is being collected for the purpose of determining eligibility for the above mentioned positions."

We Are Committed to Equity in our Employment Practices.

Land Acknowledgement

The land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe peoples, many of whomcontinuetoliveandworkheretoday.ThisterritoryiscoveredbytheUpperCanadaTreatiesandiswithinthe land protected by the Dish with One Spoon Wampum agreement. Today this gathering place is home to many First Nations, Mtis, and Inuit peoples acknowledging this reminds us that our great standard of living is directly related to the resources and friendship of Indigenous people.