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Hey Coach!
I'm in a co-op job and my boss is always asking me out for drinks after work. So far I have been able to come up with excuses for him, but I'm feeling pretty uncomfortable. Apparently he’s done this to other female co-op students. What should I do?
Your boss is not only putting you in a very uncomfortable position, he is behaving unethically. It’s unethical because he is leveraging the power imbalance between you to get you to go out for drinks and what ever else s/he has in mind.
I would do two things. First, talk to the coordinator of your co-op program. S/he should be told about your boss’s behaviour and either cut him off from the program or avoid sending young women that he will hit on. Your coordinator might also have some good suggestions for you or be able to remind the boss of correct conduct with co-op placements.
Secondly, I would address your boss directly. Tell him in no uncertain terms that you do not feel comfortable mixing business and pleasure with him and that it’s nothing personal. If you have trouble doing this in person, you can send him an email. If he intended the invitation as a friendly gesture, he will probably relent. If he persists, keep a log of his advances in case it becomes harassment.
Good luck with this. I know you may have your eye on getting a job with the company after the co-op ends and that you do not want to put that at risk, but ask yourself, do you really want to work for a boss like this? jp