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Hey Coach!
I got a great internship at a Fortune 500 company and I think things went well. I just found out that I didn’t get the job. What did I do wrong?

You might not have been fit they were looking for or the company’s focus shifted while you were there. Things happen and it’s up to you to find out why. This is an excellent opportunity for you to get honest feedback on your performance, your personality, and other less tangible aspects of your performance at the company.

Call up your former supervisor and ask him or her for an exit interview if you have not already had one. Tell him that you understand you were not selected for a position at his company but that you would find it extremely useful to get some feedback on your performance. Don’t settle for a short email full of praise. See if you can get a face-to-face and bring tough questions. If you fell short of their expectations, be ready to listen and see what changes you can make. If you take their feedback to heart you are less likely to get the same feedback in the future at a different company. jp