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Erin Marsden, Talent Acquisition Manager at Enterprise Rent-a-Car, shares a question that comes up quite frequently in her interviews. She also breaks down a simple method to frame answers clearly.Tell me about a time where you've had to sell someone on a product or an idea?I ask this behavioural question because it tells me how you would respond to a similar experience you've already encountered. Many candidates struggle with this question if they are either unprepared or they have not had the experience of selling. What I am looking for is the specific situation, the task, the action and the result of the sale.To prepare your answer, read through the job posting with a highlighter. Take note of key phrases or words, and anticipate questions that your interviewer may ask. For example, you're applying for a sales position and you've never worked in sales.What next? Try to think of any volunteer or school experience that will demonstrate your ability to be persuasive. You may also think of the time where you had to convince your classmates at school that your idea was the best! How did you convince them? Be specific, with as many details as possible, and come prepared with more than one example.Many candidates sail through one behavioural sales question but trip over others, like "Tell me about another time where you had to overcome a customers' objections to generate the sale?" The last thing you want is to look dazed and confused in front of the hiring manager.Be prepared! It is very important to clearly explain the task and what action you took in order to close the sale. Too many candidates explain how their manager dealt with the situation. I'm interested in how you would handle any objections, think on your feet, multi-task and exhibit leadership qualities.Finally, what happened? Did you make the sale? What was the result? If you had the situation to do over, would you do anything differently? You should always anticipate follow up questions. Remember, it's okay to think before you speak. Take your time, frame your answer using the STAR principle: Situation, Task, Action, Result ...and speak with confidence.