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Hey Coach!
Why do some employers ask strange questions during interviews? How should I handle them?

Employers ask questions for a number of reasons – sometimes they are based on uncovering your personality, other times it is to see how you behave under pressure. You have the option of declining to answer any question you deem to be too personal or invasive. 
Unethical employers may ask questions that are inappropriate and violate your privacy. Questions like that should make you consider whether you even want to work for that employer. But when it comes to questions that are just plain tricky, the best thing is to be as genuine as possible.
Consider the question carefully and if you need a few moments to think, then don’t be afraid to ask for more time. Even that is a response, because it shows you are taking the question seriously. And it gives you a bit of breathing room, as well as telling the employer that you say what you think and you are honest. After all, that might have been the whole point of the question – to see whether you react honestly when put on the spot. 
It’s important, however, to distinguish here between inappropriate questions and behavioural questions, which are questions interviewers ask in order to find out how you handle a given situation.