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Hey Coach!
I’ve had several interviews but no job offers. Am I doing something wrong?
If you are getting interviews then you have managed to intrigue prospective employers with your potential. The good news is you have a good résumé and cover letter. The bad news is you aren’t making the cut. It sounds like there is a disconnect between how you present on paper and in person. Your in-person interviews are letting you down. You may be coming across as a little too unconfident, sullen, arrogant, nervous, untrustworthy, meek, uncomfortable or anxious.
To gain confidence, practice in front of a mirror and then ask a friend whose opinion you trust to interview you with some basic interview questions. Have them watch your body language, your tone of voice and your eye contact. Video recording is an excellent tool that allows you to analyze yourself after the fact. If you cannot get to the root of the problem in the ways already suggested,consider hiring a presentation coach for a few sessions. Employers often hire based on first impressions. Don’t let yourself down by not making the best impression you can make. jp