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´╗┐ ´╗┐Welcome back, students! A new school year has begun and it's time to get back to studying. I hope all of you enjoyed your summer of free time, fun, and relaxation because that's over now. But not to worry, we'll give you so many assignments, readings, and exams that it'll feel like you never left.

Okay, I'm being dramatic, but transitioning back to school has always felt like this for me. Going back to school may be difficult, stressful, and downright depressing. A lot of change has to take place; for some, (including me), that change is rough.

First, you have to come to terms with the fact that sleep is now just a dream. (Sleep? What is that?) Your essays, exams, projects, readings, and study groups laugh in the face of sleep. I'm getting tired just thinking about all of it. I have had more than one instance where I've been awake writing a paper until 3 a.m. and had to go to class at 8:30 a.m. later that morning. I've even fallen asleep in classes due to lack of sleep because of papers other times because of YouTube. (Don't judge.)

The reason for my lack of sleep and constant procrastination: studying, also something that comes with going back to school. I know how obvious that sounds but, to me, knowing the impending doom of studying once again is stressful.

I got a wakeup call in my first year of university. I had excelled in high school and thought that university would be the same, just a bit more complex. I quickly realized that high school does not prepare its students for post-secondary at all. Post-secondary is tough when it comes to the workload, grading scheme, and content. (I have yet to master it.) The easiest way to counteract it, though, is to study hard, as difficult as that can be at times.

And don't forget your social life. No more lazy days. No more time free time. No more impromptu trips to the beach. No more spontaneous road trips. No more surprise barbecues. No more time to just relax. No more time to just lounge in bed. No more wild late nights. I barely have time for a social life during the school year, (again being dramatic). But I miss the freedom that comes with summer and school quickly takes away. It's hard to quit the late nights and days of doing absolutely nothing but it will have to be done.

I know it seems like I'm begrudging going back to school (and I guess I am). There are some upsides to it like seeing your friends and, you know, getting your education.

In all seriousness, I hope that you all soak up your last few weeks of summer. Best wishes for the new school year and try to have some fun. Good luck!

Camille Robinson is a second-year human rights student at Carleton University and an aspiring writer. She hopes to work with an international organization, travel the entire globe, and publish a novel. You can follow her ramblings on Twitter @crawbins, and on her blog: