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Here are 10 Tips on Successful Project Management, courtesy of Corporate Relations Director Genifer Rigor at Simon Fraser University's Student Marketing Association.

Be agile

Traditional project management methodologies are proving to be too rigid, bureaucratic, and time consuming for today’s dynamic business environment. Today, you need to respond with agility to rising issues and changes. The formal documentation and processes involved in traditional project management can weigh you down.

Don't micromanage

The ideal project managers are leaders, not control freaks. Some project managers can be overly analytical and invest too much time in perfecting details, when they should really focus on achieving milestones and the completion of the project. Flexible project management requires a balance of both the left and right brain--hard and soft skills.

Keep improving your project management practice

Technology is always evolving to meet the changing needs of consumers. In the same way, your approach to project management should evolve alongside the project/business. Communicate with your team, clients, and business partners as to how you can improve your project management practices.

Ongoing planning

The single-most important activity of project managers is planning. It must be detailed, organized, and require team participation. Like the real world, plans always change and re-prioritize with evolving situations. For this, plan, re-plan, and plan again.

Work with a sense of urgency

Because projects are constricted with a set timeline, budget, and resources, it is of utmost importance that the project process is constantly being driven toward completion. Regular updates, meetings, and follow-ups are essential.

Visualise and communicate all project deliverables and activities

The project manager and team must have a picture of the finished deliverables in the minds of everyone involved. This guides everyone in the same direction. Avoid vague descriptions at all costs, be specific, draw diagrams and pictures, and make certain everyone agrees with it.

Complete deliverables in order

The thought of climbing a mountain in one go can be crippling, but to see it as a succession of steps and peaks is less intimidating and more achievable. In the same way, you don’t want to jump into a project with the intent of building all project deliverables at once. Work on each item step by step, get process reviews and approvals, and always maintain a sense of direction.

Healthy risk management

Assign someone to assess risks who will be responsible for detecting potential project issues. You want someone who has a healthy dose of skepticism. All team members should not hesitate to report concerns or challenges. Maintain a live project risk database that tracks all issues and resolutions. But don't obsess! Assessing risks should not be your main priority. The last thing you want is to be wasting your time and resources on risk management, as it will prevent you from ever completing a project, let alone give you the courage to start it. Remember, you want a healthy does of risk management, not a crippling one.

Open communication

Communication is vital in all aspects of project management. Adhere to a policy of open communication, encouraging all members to voice opinions and concerns. This cuts through waiting games and significantly reduces the risk of mistakes, saving you time and money.

Never lose sight of the three main factors: time, budget, and quality

While project management practices have changed to be more flexible and open, the foundation remains the same. Project success occurs when it is delivered on time, within budget, with a level of deliverables that are satisfactory to the client. The Project Manager’s main role is to keep all team members aware of the time, budget, and quality of the project as often as possible.

If you'd like more tips from the Student Marketing Association at SFU, check out their website.