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Can you picture waking up each morning pumped to go to work? People who are passionate about their career path are fortunate enough to experience this feeling. Most people strive for that feeling in their careers – who wants to dread work every single day? The reality is that finding your career passion is hard! It takes time to find your passion, it can change over time (so you may feel like you’re in a constant game of passion hide-and-seek), and you can have multiple passions.

For example, while you’re encouraged to pick a career path while you’re in high school, chances are your career passion won’t be clear the minute you take your college or university cap and gown off. It’s going to take some time. While you’re on your passion seeking journey, you may have to take jobs that aren’t ideal, but use the opportunity to your advantage and determine how that job can take you one step closer to your passion. In fact, explore different career paths while you’re in college or university through internship/co-op programs or summer jobs. Take advantage of those opportunities! They will help you determine the career path that’s right for you. 

Also, finding your passion isn’t a one-and-done exercise. We’ve established that it can take time to find your passion, but once you’ve found it, you shouldn’t stop looking.  The longer you work and the different experiences you have will influence your passion, maybe even change it. As you begin the journey on your career path, be on the lookout for other passions that you might develop. 

Take me for example. When I started on my career, writing articles wasn’t part of my plan. But passions can evolve, and through my experiences I have developed a passion for writing. Writing is not my full-time career, it’s a side gig I have that allows me to fulfill one of my passions. This is just one example of how my career passion has changed over time and will continue to evolve in the coming years. You’ll need to be passion persistent and regularly self-reflect to ensure that you feel fulfilled in your career, so don’t be afraid to explore!

In the end, finding your passion is not a spectator sport! You need to be patient, realize that your passion can change over time, and understand that you may have more than one passion (and that’s totally okay). Keep an open mind about your career passion and constantly reassess your passion regularly. Be passion persistent and one day you too will have a career that fulfills and energizes you!