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Present in over 113 countries and territories with over 86,000 members, Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales (AIESEC) is the world’s largest student-run organization. For over 64 years, students around the world involved in this organization have gained endless skills and competencies through challenging leadership opportunities, international internships, and access to an extensive global network.

As two members of AIESEC at Simon Fraser University, we can attest that we have grown as individuals by being part of this student group in many ways. The skills and understandings we have developed since joining have helped us hatch our career paths and have prepared us for the workforce. The following are some of the main benefits we have developed and discovered by being a part of this student organization.

Teamwork Skills

One of the biggest challenges a new graduate will need to overcome in their first years on the job is cooperating with co-workers. Not everyone will think the same, work the same, or communicate the same, so it’s important for students to learn how to deal and perfect this ability early on.

For example, in a group like AIESEC, students will learn how to effectively work with others on various projects ranging from sending interns abroad to creating and designing promotional materials and improving AIESEC’s brand. By giving members this experience, students are able to become well-versed in teamwork and understand what is required of a great team by the time they graduate.


AIESEC also offers a lot in terms of discovering and honing one’s personal character. By being a part of this organization, members learn to become more comfortable with themselves and how they communicate with others, in turn increasing their confidence and self-awareness. This is important as confidence is a vital feature in being successful in all careers, and by giving students the opportunity to explore their character early on, AIESEC effectively prepares their members for professional working environments.

Leadership skills

In AIESEC, leadership can take many forms. From organizing national conferences, taking on leadership roles such as applying to be the Local Committee President of your AIESEC chapter, and participating in a global internship, the opportunities are endless. Student clubs encourage leadership development by allowing you to take on as much or as little as you feel comfortable doing. Some of the lessons we’ve learned from our leadership roles include: listening to others, following your gut, and the importance of thinking outside the box. In essence, AIESEC is an organization built and survived by people who believe in the phrase “learning by doing.”

These are just a few of the many ways being a part of AIESEC has prepared us for our future careers.
Interested in experiencing these moments yourself? Visit our website for more information.