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Hey Coach!

It seems that all job postings are for extroverts. Everyone is looking for outgoing leaders, aggressive go-getters, etc. What would you advise a highly introverted job seeker? I realize the question is quite broad.

I can understand how you might feel looking at the market for jobs. Some employers do have a requirement for aggressive go-getters but imagine what our libraries, offices or churches would look (and sound) like if they were run by extroverts?
There are great careers for thoughtful introverts like yourself, it's just a matter of matching your skills to the right kind of job. The last thing you or a potential employer wants is for you to shoehorn yourself into a job better suited to an extrovert. Let's do a little brainstorming, shall we? When I think of careers for introverts, I come up with librarian, counsellor, scientist, pastor, administrator, accountant, researcher, bookkeeper, programmer, or a monk. What about you? Do any of these sound like you?
I will take issue with you equating extroverts with leaders. We all have the ability to lead if we choose to rise to the occasion. How can you lead quietly and with modesty? Think of some great leaders who were introverts. Ghandi stands out. I'm sure you can think of others. use your strengths to your advantage or they will get in your way. For instance if you demur in your job search, you may find yourself getting ignored and left behind. Being an introvert doesn't mean you have to hide in a closet. If you feel that you aren't getting what you need, I suggest you look into assertiveness training courses. They honour your shyness while teaching you how to stand up for yourself and your beliefs.
Don't be afraid to show enthusiasm and let your true colours show! jp